Battle Born Rescue
C&C Instructional Services LLC
San Juan College Fire Science
Honolulu Fire Dept (HI)
Rocky Canyon Rescue
Brent Dubois/Training 4 Excellence
Brent Dubois has been an Instructor with Rescue 3 since 1997. He started teaching swiftwater rescue after working as a commercial river guide in Northern California and Southern Oregon. He quicky became an Instructor Trainer working with his longtime friend and mentor Bill Davis. Brent currently teaches Swiftwater, Rope and Boat classes for the Rescue 3. In the past he has been Rescue 3s go to instructor for out of the box type classes. For example, he worked with B. Davis and a group of arborists to create an arborist rescue class blending conventional technical rope rescue with the hybrid standards, gear and mindsets arborist utilize. Brent has done several international classes and works well with interpreters in austere environments. He currently works full time for the South San Francisco Fire Department and is an active member of their Technical Rescue Team. He is also a member of FEMA USAR Task Force 3 as a Rescue Specialist, Medical Specialist, HazMat Specialist, Water Rescue Specialist as well as a Boat Operator. He also has an extensive background in EMS aviation as a 15-year flight paramedic working in a rotorcraft providing critical care.